This is a list of our ministries. For more information on any group, please contact the parish office.
ABBA FATHER Fridays, 4pm, Chapel Open to all for prayer and service in the Spirit.
ALTAR SERVERS for active Catholic youth, Third grade and above. To serve Sunday Masses or special liturgical celebrations.
ALTAR SOCIETY Care and cleaning of the church, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sunday evenings. Preparation of flowers and other items for liturgical services. Care of the Altar linens.
BAPTISM CLASS FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING PARENTS 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m., by zoom, instruction in sacrament and responsibilities of parent, godparent to child. Adults must attend two sessions.
BAPTISM CLASS FOR SPANISH SPEAKING PARENTS 1st Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in the small chapel. Instruction in sacrament and responsibilities of parent, godparent to child.
BIBLE STUDY Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., in the Faith Formation Office, "Little Rock Scripture Study". All are welcomed. No previous bible study experience is required. For information, call the Parish office at 510-797-0241.
DIVINE MERCY Prayer group: daily after 9am Mass, Chapel; Cenacle: 2nd & 4th Saturday, after 9am Mass, Chapel
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Serves at all major parish events, funerals, fundraisers, etc. Provide hall set-up, food service, and after-event cleaning.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Saint Edward the Confessor Council established in 1996. Provide all ushers at the 9 O'clock Sunday Mass. Active in many parish functions and fundraisers.
Active ministry for lay people. Reading scripture and/or serving the Holy Eucharist at Mass.
Ministers wishing to check the current schedule (no ID or password required), click here:
LEGION OF MARY QUEEN OF PEACE Monday, following 9am Mass., in the small chapel. Open to all who wish to follow our Blessed Mother's example through prayer and good works.
LEGION OF MARY, OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Saturday, following 9am Mass., in the small chapel. Open to all who wish to follow our Blessed Mother's example through prayer and good works.
LEGION OF MARY MADRE DE CRISTO Wednesday, 10a.m., in the small chapel. Open to all Spanish speakers who wish to follow our Blessed Mothers' example through prayer and good works.
Support to make marriages stronger.
MEN'S CLUB 1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Doolan Center. Service organization of Catholic men. Fund raising (with accent on FUN). Pancake breakfasts, Children's Christmas Party, Crab Feed, Wives Appreciation Night, etc.
PARISH CHOIR We have several choirs, each singing at a different Mass. Please contact our Music Director for specific information.
PARISH COUNCILS: Finance Committee, Pastoral Council.
RESPECT LIFE Called as needed. To defend the unborn child and speak against euthanasia. Information and support for women who have experienced abortion. Coordinates parish participation in annual West Coast Walk for Life.
SANTO NINO/HANDMAIDS OF THE LORD Open to all women interested in serving the Lord within the church. Gatherings called as needed.
Grupo de Oracion: Tuedsay, 5:00pm, Chapel
Jovenes para Cristo Friday, 7:00pm, parish hall
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Call for information
Escuelita Pastoral Call for information
ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m., Faith Formation office.
Provides assistance to the needy with food, shelter, clothing and social service referrals. Clients need not be Catholic to obtain assistance.
SPRED every other Monday, 6:00 p.m., Church Hall
Special Religious Education for Developmentally Disabled. Volunteers provide religious instruction; prepare students for sacraments.
Ushers (men and women) seat parishioners and guests at Mass and special events in the church. Ushers take up collections and distribute bulletins, etc. Members of the congregation can sign up with the ushers to bring the gifts to the altar.
WOMEN'S CLUB 3rd Monday, 7pm, Doolan Center.
YOUTH GROUP Open to all high school aged youth. Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, 5-6:45 p.m. Instagram: @stedwardyouthgroup